Wall-E trailer, Mr. Bean & Green Goblin cast in the movie?

By Matt Holmes /

As per usual with Pixar, when you go and see their latest flick (Ratatouille on June 29th) you will be privileged to see an early trailer for their next film. In this case it's Wall-E, a movie about a robot some thousands of years in the future.

The year is 2700. WALL€E, a robot, spends every day doing what he was made for. But soon, he will discover what he was meant for. From Academy Award®-winning director, Andrew Stanton (Finding Nemo), WALL€E is the story of one robot€™s comic adventures as he chases his dream across the galaxy. Wall-E will hit movie theaters on June 27th, 2008.
Of course you don't have to see Ratatouille to see the trailer for Wall-E because Slash Film already have it. You can see it by clicking here. I'm liking the look of it so far and I'm dying to see some more of that robot and just exactly what it is he is looking at. Trailer works for me. Film Ick are telling us that Rowan Atkinson, Emma de Caunes and Willem Dafoe have all been cast to do voice-over work in the flick. Interestingly, Fred Willard has also been cast... he will be making the first live action appearance in Pixar history.
