Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps Cannes reaction

Kneejerk reaction 20 minutes after it's Cannes premiere...

By Matt Holmes /

My honest to God, 20 minute post-Cannes premiere kneejerk and potentially over-the-top reaction to Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps is that if it lucks the right momentum wave and if the older critics who cackled and rejoiced at Gordon Gekko's big screen comeback do the right thing... then we may be talking a Best Picture contender. I'm putting my balls on the line and so what? Wall Street 2 is Oliver Stone doing what he knows best - acting as America's cinematic conscience, and although there's little in the way of surprises in how he approached the fall of the banks and the Hedge Fund global fiasco, it's important that it needed to be told on film, and Stone was always the guy to do it. Full review to come later tonight but this hastily written mini-reaction will do for now/ But remember who you heard this from first... Josh Brolin is a lock-in for Best Supporting Actor in the same way Michael Douglas was the original. The crowd were into this and the word of mouth seemed posititve.