Warner Bros. bringing us SPACE INVADERS!!

By Matt Holmes /

The only marketable asset for Warner Bros. in acquiring the Space Invaders license from Japanese creators Taito - is the title itself. Space Invaders. There is very little, if anything in the game that a studio could exploit into a feature. It's just a cool title, that brings with it a bit of nostalgia for 80s arcade and Atari players. That's all. When the four producers who are expected to board the property (including guys behind The Day After Tomorrow and Saving Private Ryan) decide on a screenwriter - that guy will have carte blanche to do what the hell he likes and that's why it's almost impossible to have a feeling either way on this picture. All it will need to be is a space alien invasion movie with firing ships that carries the title Space Invaders - to adequetly exist. So Warner Bros. in theory are simply financing an original science fiction movie, which is actually a cool thing.
