Warren Ellis scripting King Arthur's KNIGHTS OF THE ROUNDTABLE

By Matt Holmes /

Prolific and popular comic book and science fiction novelist Warren Ellis has revealed on his website that he is busy scripting a currently untitled King Arthur movie focused on the origins of the Knights of the Roundtable for Hollywood Gang, the co-producers of 300. A movie he later reveals to AICN that Hollywood Gang is using the working title Excalibur for...
'Untitled Arthurian Project,' as I call it (just so I can't feel John Boorman's EXCALIBUR looming down at me from my DVD shelf), differs from the prior 751 King Arthur movies in many ways, but perhaps most obviously in that it is very specifically about the gathering of the Knights.
Personally, I've long awaited to see this exact kind of movie dealing with the Arthur legend, probably ever since I was about six years old and the hand-built castle my step dad built for me was used as my unofficial Camelot, with hand-painted figures acting as my knights of the roundtable. I like the idea of a select number of nights, the bravest, smartest, best swordsman of England who come together as a high council for the king. Each having their own coat of arms, armourey and specialed skills and personality. It's like a medievel version of The Avengers.