Watch Paul Rudd Pitch OUR IDIOT BROTHER Marketing Ideas To Harvey Weinstein

Funny or Die's latest video is a doozy!

By Matt Holmes /

I love it when I get a press release from Funny or Die! No matter what arduous deadline I am trying to hit or how much work is snowing me under, the news that the latest Funny or Die clip is available for me to enjoy online, always calls time for a break. I now have a ritual. I make myself a cup of tea, get a biscuit out of the jar and prepare myself to laugh until I am blue in the face. The latest video from those sketch comedy geniuses' features Paul Rudd pitching marketing ideas for his Sundance hit Our Idiot Brother (released in the U.S. on August 26th) to Harvey Weinstein and basically making an ass of himself. Which line made me joke until I was blue in the face this time? When Rudd goes 'I will speak to everyone in the world for 4-5 minutes about my film'. Enjoy the vid; Paul Rudd Pitches Harvey Weinstein from Paul Rudd P.S. - What was really annoying me in this clip was that I couldn't make out the big poster behind the desk Harvey was sitting at. You know the one with the red text? Is it from a classic movie? Can anyone work it out?