Watch Steven Soderbergh's HAYWIRE Trailer!

Haywire is Steven Soderbergh at his most pulpy bad-ass, pure entertainment intentioned level since The Limey and it just looks great.

By Matt Holmes /

Haywire is Steven Soderbergh at his most pulpy bad-ass, pure entertainment intentioned level since The Limey - a movie I unreservedly love to pieces. There's no hidden depth to Haywire. This is not a message movie. It is a pure genre effort from one of the more effortlessly talented filmmakers of his generation featuring MMA fighter Gina Carano in perhaps the most demanding physical female leading role since Uma Thurman wore Bruce Lee's yellow tracksuit in Kill Bill. This is a spy thriller cranked up to 11. Watch Carano kick-ass, look sexy, show off her fighting skills, take part in a car chase, get double crossed and take name in a revenge thriller written by Lem Dobbs (The Limey) and scored by David Holmes (Ocean's trilogy, Out of Sight). Ewan McGregor, Michael Fassbender (whose whole arc is featured here!), Antonio Banderas, Bill Paxton, Michael Frikkin' Douglas in the kind of role he OWNED in the 90's, and Michael Angarano support with Channing Tatum playing the co-star/love interest. Do yourself a favour and watch this now...Haywire is coming in January.