Watch THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Leaked Teaser Trailer

A leaked first look at the teaser trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man.

By Peter Willis /

Updated Yet Again: Sony have asked us to remove the leaked trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man from WhatCulture! today. Let's hope they have plans to release a high quality version online soon!!Updated Again: We now have a working version below. Here's my thoughts, as much that can be derived from a trailer where I have to squint through to see everything. 1) I don't care for a backstory to Peter Parker's parents. I don't need this franchise to be expanded in that way. 2) This is most certainly a reboot. The change of how Peter Parker was bitten is proof of that. 3) The scene where Peter Parker is bitten is wholly uneccessary. Who the hell doesn't know how he became Spider-Man by now? 4) Emma Stone is great but she would have made a better Mary Jane Watson. 5) I hated, hated, hated, hated, hated the bits where it became a video game. 6) I really need to see it in good quality before making any more judgements. Having watched it, my advice would be to wait until you've seen Captain America this week or next if you are in the U.K. This low quality is a waste of time... Updated: Matt here... in and out of meetings all day today and I seem to have missed the web-slinging leak. Last week we heard the new Spider-Man trailer was coming and that it would be attached to some prints of Captain America: The First Avenger. We did warn Sony that they would be better off releasing an official version first to prevent this kind of leak from happening but clearly they haven't listened to us. I would love to here your thoughts on the trailer and what was included. Is it as impressive as The Dark Knight Rises tease, is it better? What specifically was included? And importantly if you have a working link... let me know. It seems that leaked teaser trailers are all the rage at the moment. Found on Twitter via AICN is the full leaked teaser trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man. Watch it while you can - it won't be around for long... though we are expecting the official trailer early next week. It will also be attached to select U.S. cinema prints of Captain America. Directed by Marc Webb, The Amazing Spider-Man will be released next summer alongside other comic book heavy-weights The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers.
