Watch: The Avengers Blooper Reel

Marvel's The Avengers is the biggest movie of 2012, and for good reason.

By Jeremy Sollie /

Marvel's The Avengers is the biggest movie of 2012, and for good reason. It's one of the best blockbusters in years, with a ton of laughs and an outstanding action climax. One of the key reasons the film works is that it's surprisingly funny. Obviously the fact that Joss Whedon wrote and directed this shouldn't make the comedic side that much of a surprise, but the fact that the film is consistently funny from beginning to end without ruining its tone is something to commend. The Avengers will soon be released on home video (September 25th in the US and September 17th in the UK) and now the blooper reel from the disc has been put online. It's a very funny blooper reel, far better than the standard "minute of actors laughing" on your average disc, and it's great to see these actors lose their composure. We see Tom Hiddleston's hilarious Alan Rickman impersonation, Colbie Smulders having a hard time handling her emotions, and Joss Whedon asking the Avengers to stop fighting with each other. For a four minute video, this is a lot of fun and worth checking out. I guarantee you'll be watching Chris Hemsworth trying to catch Thor's hammer for the next week or so. Click HERE to see the video. You can pre-order The Avengers here (US) and here (UK). For a full rundown on the movie's special features, here's a list.