Watch THE DARKEST HOUR Trailer - Moscow Set Alien Invasion Lands!

The film follows Emile Hirsch, Olivia Thirlby Rachael Taylor and Max Minghella as they battle to stay alive during an alien invasion and the first trailer has a slight 'Red Dawn With Aliens' vibe going on.

By Neil Upton /

Yet another week, yet another alien invasion. New York and LA are normally the first to bite the dust when those damn extraterrestrials come down here looking for fuel or food or just plain devastation. Even South London saw it's share of alien action recently in Joe Cornish's fantastic Attack the Block. Now it's Moscow's turn to bare the brunt of the alien apocalypse in the Timur Bekmambetov produced, Chris Gorak (Right At Your Door) directed The Darkest Hour. The film follows Emile Hirsch, Olivia Thirlby Rachael Taylor, Greg Kinnear and Max Minghella as they battle to stay alive during an alien invasion and the first trailer has a slight 'Red Dawn With Aliens' vibe going on.At least the aliens are a bit different this time round, in fact we don't really get a glimpse at them at all, just the energy sucking effects on their surrounding atmosphere. But, however promising the trailer looks, I'm reserving judgement till I clap my eyes on the whole thing (still burned by that fantastic trailer for Battle: Los Angeles - you know how that turned out!). Well, are you down for another round of humans vs aliens, or out for the count? The film hits on 23rd December in the the US.