WETA Live: Apes Revealed Stream Gives Us Sneak Peak At Footage

By Neil Upton /

Earlier today WETA visual effects gurus Dan Lemmon, Joe Letteri and a certain Andy Serkis took part in a special interview/presentation entitled WETA Live: Apes Revealed from the WETA workshop in Wellington, New Zealand to discuss their approach to the film's ape contingent and to showcase a clearer, longer look at our hero ape Caesar. The interview itself, even without the debut footage, is worthy of your time as some in depth info is revealed on how the apes were brought to life by the always eloquent and WETA legend Andy Serkis (King Kong, Gollum). After such a long time without any real footage or info on the film and now just four months before Rise of the Planet of the Apes' August 5th release - the 20th Century Fox marketing machine has gone into overdrive now and they are obviously very happy with their work to host such an event. At about 15 minutes long it's an interesting watch and serves as an appetiser for the debut of the first trailer which hits later Thursday (stay tuned for that). Have a look below and chime in on what you think of the first Apes movie to go full digital! apeswillrise on livestream.com. Broadcast Live Free