What Does The Ending Of Fantastic Beasts Really Mean?

Newt Scamander And The Dark Wizard Twist Ending...

By Simon Gallagher /

Warner Bros.

2016 has been the year of Harry Potter's rebirth. First we had the legacy plays (which may eventually become movies, no matter what anyone says), and now Fantastic Beasts has hit cinemas, swaggering with way more confidence than a film based on a fictional text book had any right to. But then that's what happens when you know your film is as good as this.


It may be critically lauded, but it does seem there's something of a split among fans: that much is somewhat inevitable - going into this looking for a Harry Potter film is a recipe for disaster, because this is not just a spin-off but a conscious detachment in spirit and approach. Sure, the magic is the same, there are Easter Eggs and references to the Wizarding World's other famous films, but it's very, very different.

And that is a very good thing. Particularly as it means there's a lot of life and a lot of potential for what comes next. We might not get to see the first rise of Voldemort (yet), but there's another Dark Lord and another Wizarding War coming. And again, that is a very exciting prospect.


But how do we get there?

So here's a breakdown of the ending of the first Harry Potter spin-off and what it all means going forwards. Obviously SPOILERS WILL FOLLOW...
