What Every Jedi Said To Rey In THAT Star Wars: Rise Of Skywalker Moment

Breaking down the specifics of one of The Rise of Skywalker's most fan-pleasing moments.

By Andrew Pollard /


Now finally on the silver screen in all its glory, The Rise of Skywalker has certainly divided opinion amongst Star Wars fans.


Even if this closing chapter of the greater Skywalker Saga left a bad taste in your mouth by the end of its 2 hour 22 minutes runtime, there’s no disputing that the movie had several moments of jaw-dropping awesomeness dotted throughout it.

One such moment that hit home hard for the majority of moviegoers was the scene where Daisy Ridley’s Rey was visited by the voices of so many of the Jedi who had come before her. It was completely unexpected, it was completely perfect – and yes, it was sure a little cheesy.


For those keeping track, Rey heard from Mark Hamill’s Luke Skywalker, Frank Oz’s Yoda, Hayden Christensen’s Anakin Skywalker, Liam Neeson’s Qui-Gon Jinn, and both the Alec Guinness and Ewan McGregor versions of Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Not just those Jedi heroes, of course, for the animated adventures of Star Wars: Clone Wars were represented by Ashley Eckstein’s Ahsoka Tano, Angelique Perrin’s Adi Gallia, and Olivia D’Abo’s Luminara Unduli, not to mention Freddie Prinze Jr. lending his vocals to Star Wars Rebels’ Kanan Jarrus.


The point being, that one Rise of Skywalker moment featured a veritable who’s who of the Jedi Knights seen across the established Star Wars canon over the decades.

With the sudden shock of that scene, it was maybe a little hard to fully take in all that was happening on-screen. But fear not, for we’ve got you covered with a complete breakdown on who said what to Ridley’s Rey.


So, without any further ado...

Ewan McGregor’s Obi-Wan: “These are your final steps, Rey. Rise and take them.”


Anakin: “Rey.”

Ashoka: “Rey.”


Kanan: “Rey.”

Anakin: “Bring back the balance, Rey, as I did.”


Luminara: “Find the light, Rey.”

Kanan: “You are not alone, Rey.”


Yoda: “Alone, never have you been.”

Qui-Gon: “Every Jedi who ever lived, lives in you now.”


Anakin: “Feel the Force flowing through you, Rey.”

Kanan: “Let it lift you.”


Adi Gallia: “Rise, Rey.”

Qui-Gon: “We stand behind you, Rey.”


Alec Guiness’ Obi-Wan: “Rey.”

Yoda: “Rise in the Force.”


Kanan: “In the heart of the Jedi lies her strength.”

Ewan McGregor’s Obi-Wan: “Rise.”


Qui-Gon: “Rise.”

Luke: “Rey, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Now, for those who have doubted the credentials of Rey and her journey towards bringing balance to the Force, surely the combined enthusiasm and energy of so many legendary Jedi is enough to silence the hate?

Sadly, it seems that any Rey naysayers – Rey-sayers?! – are tough cookies to crack, and it’s proving more and more impossible to truly silence the hate of Star Wars fandom these days.


Whether you loved or loathed The Rise of Skywalker, here’s hoping you at least got a kick out of hearing so many voices of years gone by.