Which Cinematic Hill Are You Willing To Die On? [VIDEO]

Unpopular opinions? Maybe you're all just wrong.

By Simon Gallagher /


As a fan of film, you're expected to have to go to bat for some of the things you love. That's just the way fandom is in 2019. Thanks to social media amplifying all opinions and everything being parcelled up into God Tiers and Trash Tiers, if you're willing to say you love something, you're going to have to staunchly defend that, lest you be branded uninformed.


It's fun, to be honest, because it means sometimes you'll get to share some of the more choice nuggets of insight that not everyone seems to share. You might think Nicolas Cage has never made a bad movie, for instance. You might think the RoboCop remake is better than the original. You might be Adam Wilbourn and believe, categorically, that there is no greater movie franchise in existence than Mission: Impossible. You might be wrong, but by the beard of Zeus will we defend your right to say those things.

With all of that in consideration, we amassed all of our finest film lovers from across WhatCulture Towers to reveal the cinematic hills we'd all die on. TO THE COMMENTS THREAD!
