Why Michael Myers could spawn the return of Voorhees & Krueger

By Matt Holmes /

Rob Zombie's Halloween slashers it's way into U.S. cinema's. Much like Gus Van Sant's remake of Psycho (which also was a disgusting idea) ten years ago, Zombie has pushed himself into a position where he can't win, but we've spoken at length about this before. The question will soon turn to, what is the future of Halloween and indeed the other big horror characters like Jason Voorhees and Fred Krueger. Well as far as Halloween is concerned, they have the plan for this to be a new start of a very long franchise. Rob Zombie has already said he won't return for the sequel but Malcolm McDowell as Dr. Loomis is signed up for two further flicks. As long as Halloween doesn't bomb and makes a profit, then a sequel will be rushed into production and I actually think they will have a line up of young directors at their door to helm it. Who wouldn't want to make a Michael Myers movie? The folks behind Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street franchises will be watching Zombie's box office results and fanboy reaction very closely. The characters of Voorhee' and Krueger are itching away at their brains and they are no doubt desperate to re-start their respective series', as they can be big money to them. It was reported yesterday that a Friday the 13th movie was in the works with a 2009 release date planned. The last time we spoke about the '13th' franchise was in October, when the plan there was to release the movie in July 2007. Maybe the guy meant early development work on the flick would begin then? I would expect all three franchises to have another movie by the end of this decade, AS LONG as Halloween doesn't bomb.
