Why Sam Raimi Is Perfect For Doctor Strange 2

Spider-Man's director is back with Marvel and here's why it's perfect...

By Early Ray Mixon /

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has promised to be the MCU's first true horror film. When acclaimed horror director Scott Derrickson stepped down over creative differences it seemed as if that promise was doomed to be broken. The fanboys collectively groaned as they began to picture a watered down Disney-esque not-at-all-scary attempt at horror.


But it seems like the fans can breath a sigh of relief as Marvel has reached out to a true master of horror, Sam Raimi. True horror fans and Marvel fans alike know that there is no better choice. When the word came down that Darrickson quit, those fans were shouting for Raimi and it looks like Marvel was listening.

Who better than the man who brought us both Evil Dead and the first three Spider-Man films to bring us a weird and horrific Doctor Strange adventure? He has all the right background to helm this project and our list aims to prove it.

6. He Created M.A.N.T.I.S.

No this isn't about the Guardians of The Galaxy character, however fun she is.


You would be forgiven for not remembering the Sam Raimi produced 1994 M.A.N.T.I.S. TV movie and subsequent series. This series was unique for a few reasons, most prominently that the main character was not only disabled but also black. In 1994 a live action black led superhero TV series was like a unicorn, the idea was pure fantasy.

Yes there were films like The Meteor Man and Blankman but those were safely marketed as comedies. M.A.N.T.I.S. had the courage to be a primetime drama and was the first of it's kind. Sam Raimi gets huge diversity points for being the spearhead that helped to make this happen.

But the big takeaway for why Raimi is perfect for a Disney produced Marvel film is how this show ended. According to rumors the network was pressuring Raimi and the other producers to demote the black main character to a supporting role and make the white guy on the show be the superhero.

Rather than do this they chose to kill the main characters and end the series on a downer note. This proves that Raimi will not be easily bullied by Marvel or Disney if he feels strongly about something.
