Will Ferrell's Semi-Pro

By Will Reynolds /

Having lampooned NASCAR racing and figure skating, Will Ferrell is now turning his attention to basketball in Semi-Pro. There's not much to say about this poster from Cinematical apart from "ginger afro", "mutton chops" and "runaway neck hair". Neither of Ferrell's two most recent sports movies have rivaled the genius of Anchorman in my eyes, but the man himself always manages to turn in a funny performance.

Semi-Pro casts Ferrell as a washed up basketball player who comes home to coach his old team. This film is almost guaranteed to be a triumph over adversity sports story with Ferrell's team emerging victorious in spite of, not because of their dim-witted coach. Despite the inevitability of the film's story, it's probably worth a look due to a great cast that includes Woody Harrelson, Maura Tierney, André Benjamin and Jackie Earl Haley, along with the some top comedy stars such as Will Arnett, Andy Richter, Rob Corddry and David Koechner. Semi-Pro is scheduled for a U.S. release on February 29th 2008.