X-Men: 10 Major Plot Holes Days Of Future Past Created

You were meant to bring balance to canon! Not destroy it!

By Chris Smith /

Fans are still singing the praises of the latest instalment in the X-Men Franchise: Days Of Future Past, and with good reason. Bryan Singer's star studded movie was the most ambitious comic book film since the Avengers. It had possibly the largest cast ever assembled (too large in fact, sorry Rogue!), the always complicated time travel plot, the expectations of doing justice to the classic comic book of the same name and the task of redeeming the series after the regrettable Last Stand and Origins: Wolverine. Wouldn't you know? It was a rousing success! Featuring strong performances from all, some blinding battle scenes, a wonderful introduction to Quicksilver (Seriously, who saw that coming?) and a definitive end to the original trilogy, DOFP was one of the finest movies of the fourteen year spanning series. That said, when you have to tie together six previous movies, four of which were made by different directors, you have a strong task ahead of you. Introduce time travel into the mix, and you're just asking for trouble. The movie did a great job of writing out some of the less desirable parts of the X-Men universe, but not without creating some plot holes itself. So join us as we count down the ten biggest questions that DOFP raised instead of answering. Oh and of course SPOILERS! are everywhere.