X-Men: Apocalypse - 10 Things From The Comics That Could Feature

You've all seen Days Of Future Past, but what can we expect from its sequel?

By Percival Constantine /

X-Men: Days of Future Past is finally out. This film not only represented the triumphant return of Bryan Singer to the franchise, but also featured the reunion of the cast of the original trilogy of X-Men films as well as bridged the gap between said trilogy and the prequel world established in X-Men: First Class. And fortunately, it also brought about the retconning of X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine (undoubtedly representing the lowest points of the franchise to date). But as excited as we are about what this film means for the future of the X-Men movies, questions about that future have already started to rise. Bryan Singer has been working on the sequel for several months already, titled X-Men: Apocalypse. As anyone with any familiarity with the X-Men is well aware of, Apocalypse is a major villain in the world of Marvel€™s mutants. An ageless mutant dating back to ancient Egypt, Apocalypse lives his life according to the Darwinian principle of survival of the fittest (and we even got a brief peak in a post-credits scene). Now that we€™ve finally seen Days of Future Past, the question of what we€™ll see in X-Men: Apocalypse has come to the forefront. Here are some things from the comics that could make their way into the movie.