X-Men: Dark Phoenix - Do Audition Videos Suggest Rogue Will Return?

90s fan favourite character coming back full-circle?

By Simon Gallagher /

Marvel Comics

In the latest episode of let's confuse the X-Men timeline as much as possible, it seems that 20th Century Fox might be reintroducing a key character from the first X-Men movie.


Even though there's still no news on who is directing, the film's production seems to be hurtling apace, with a release date already set and casting underway to expand the cast. The latest update on that front has come in the form of some audition videos turned up by Omega Underground that seem to show three hopeful young actors trying out for mystery roles.

The Family's Rarmian Newtown is trying out for Colin and Shane, Alexa Swinton (Billions) is up for Marie and unknown quantity Paul Mescal is up for the role of Sam. These names are inevitably misdirection and codenames for the real roles, but it has led to some speculating that Marie could be Rogue.


The film will be set in the 90s, so we're almost back around at the start of the original X-Men, and reintroducing a younger Rogue is almost an inevitability (that seems to be the suggestion of Omega Underground anyway). It would also be a smart move in terms of fan-bait.

If you're looking for other possibilities, Newtown seems to allude to teleportation power - which could point to a new version of Azazel, or a male Blink or even a redo of John Wraith from X-Men Origins - and Mescar playing Sam as Irish would point to an Irish mutant. Obviously not Banshee though, as he's already been killed off in this franchise. Maybe a left-field choice of a young Black Tom?


Here are the audition videos (aside from Swinton's, which has been removed for now)...



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