Yet Another Remake Of Brewster's Millions Coming

Robert Townsend will direct new iteration of the classic tale.

By Brendon Connelly /

If we could only agree on what 'remake' actually means, we could probably decide which film was the most remade. Cinderella is said to be the most retold story in cinema history, with A Christmas Carol also a hotly-tipped contender. Somewhere high in that ranking must also be Brewster's Millions. To date, it's been filmed ten times and, according to Deadline, an eleventh iteration is now in the offing. All that's known about the new version is that Robert Townsend will be directing. Townsend's debut, Hollywood Shuffle, is a very sweet but also sincere and pointed piece of satire on how the American film industry marginalised and stereotyped actors and characters of colour. It's still his most successful film, at least critically speaking, but Townsend did go on to make several other films that engaged with similar themes. This is why I find his attachment to Brewster's Millions rather interesting. It's the story of a man wasting money in order to fulfill a challenge and claim even more money in an inheritance. It's a pretty obvious satirical set-up but there's still scope for some sharp commentary. The last American version of this story was filmed in the mid-80s - not too long before Hollywood Shuffle, in fact - and starred Richard Pryor and John Candy. It was a long from being the finest work of either, or of director Walter Hill, but it did capture something of the Reagan era. 85's Brewster's Millions was like the 80s took a selfie of themselves and the picture came out like a grotesque caricature. Many audiences just got off on the opulence and over spending, but there was a price to be paid for this capitalist spree of insanity and so the film does have a more caustic aftertaste. The time is right for another run at those same ideas, and I'd like to think Townsend is going to make a good fist of it. I'm certainly rooting for him to push this beyond the obvious and give the new film some real weight and relevance as well as the inevitable, goofy comedy. No cast is attached just yet, but I dare say we'll be hearing more soon. Watch this space.