YOUR HIGHNESS Trailer With Less Swearing, Violence & Natalie Portman's Ass!

By Matt Holmes /

There's very little of anything new in the green-banded trailer for David Gordon Green's medieval fantasy stoner comedy Your Highness, except a little less swearing, a little less implied violence and a little less of Natalie Portman's ass! No I'm not kidding, you can see the difference below. They have CGI'd a larger pair of bikini panties over her thong, which is probably the most depressing FX work some poor guy has ever probably had to undertake in his life (but don't worry, you will see the the thing of beauty in all it's glory come release day) WATCH TRAILER IN HD HEREThe trailer does give us an extended glimpse at the digital effects which remain impressive and what lengths Universal have gone to create this world, especially for a film whose plot has such ordinary ambitions. Indeed, it's funny how the story of Your Highness is washed over within the first few minutes of this trailer, and it moves at lightning speed across to the action. Easily in my top five most anticipated films to be released next year. How about you?