Zack Snyder Reveals The Secret Of Aquaman's Underwater Effects

And no, amazingly, it's not all CGI...

By Simon Gallagher /

Warner Bros.

You might have noticed a few days ago that Zack Snyder took to Twitter to show off some underwater scenes from Justice League, to prove that Aquaman won't just be a grumpy fisherman chugging whisky on dry land. The results were pretty divisive (everyone's looking for something to tear down), but it actually looks a lot better than could ever have been imagined...


The slight worry from that sequence was the suggestion that it might be all completely CGI-rendered, which always opens up films to the potential pitfalls of Matrix rag doll-itis. But now it's been revealed that the effects are actually achieved using an elaborate practical rig and a creepy man dressed as kermit the frog.


Snyder shared the new image on his Vero account to the few people who actually know what Vero is, revealing also that Jason Momoa's billowing underwater hair will be CGI, but that his fluid movements are all real.

Does this make you more excited to see more of Aquaman? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.
