Zack Snyder to direct The Illustrated Man

Although it sounds like it, this isn't based on a comic book adaptation for Snyder this time.

By Matt Holmes /

148.jpgWarner Brothers hot property Zack Snyder has been tapped up to direct and produce The Illustrated Man, a remake of the 1969 movie of the same name which itself was based on a Ray Bradury 1950's novel. Rod Steiger and Claire Bloom starred in the original movie for director Jack Smight which was also a Warner Brothers production back in the day. The story is about a mysterious man who lives with tattoo's on his body that can predict the future, so he sets out to find the women who drew them on him. Alex Tse who has also wrote the screenplay to Snyder's Watchmen will be handling the script which will now be battling with Snyder's want to direct another zombie movie titled Army of the Dead, which would have no relation to his 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead. Snyder is two for two with me, although both movies are one's that very much suited his frantic directing style. His characterisation for one thing, could be so much better and that's what is certainly needed from him with Watchmen. That movie could break his relationship with WB if it all goes badly but he has cast well and when he talks about the film, he seems to get the material. After Watchmen then he has a choice so far of The Illustrated Man or Amy of the Dead. Both sound pretty cool to me but I think I would plump for The Illustrated Man. He's done the zombie thing once now and if he decides to return to it sometime in the future then great, but not so soon. source - variety