Zodiac DVD - No Extra's!

By Matt Holmes /

One of the first DVD's I ever purchased was David Fincher's classic movie Se7en (my actual first one was Gladiator at the end of 2000 when I got my Playstation 2).

The 2 disc edition of Se7en is one fully loaded DVD. I've listened to two of the three commentary tracks (the one with Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman and David Fincher is one of my favourite ever commentary tracks) and enjoyed the shit load of deleted scenes and additional footages. Of course the awesome DVD for David Fincher's Fight Club helped save what was a financially disappointing film at the box office as the film went on to make a profit and actually made more money on rentals and DVD purchases than it did on it's general release. Fight Club had an awesome packaging, tons of commentaries, loads of extra's and it was all because of Fincher, who saw the benefit of what DVD could do to a film and I believe he was one of the first directors to completely design the content for it's release. Fight Club is still one of the best DVD's ever made. So that brings me to Zodiac, a good film which didn't do so well at the box office and could surely benefit with a push in DVD sales and what does the company do? They bring out this half-assed attempt... From DVD Active...
The film itself will be presented in anamorphic widescreen, along with an English Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround track. No extra material will be included. You'll be able to own this one from the 24th July.No extra material?
No god damn commentaries. Come on Fincher, you even did a commentary for Panic Room!

So there you have it. The idiots at Paramount are releasing this half-assed DVD with a truly awful cover (why do we have floating heads of the actors in every single release of a DVD!!) and any attempt to make an effort which could help your financially insecure film, has totally gone out of the window. I know I won't be picking that shit up. If it had a commentary I would have been interested... but no extra's? What a joke!