10 Artistic Things Video Games Can Do That Movies Can't

Who said video games were a lesser art form?

By Robert James /

For a long time, there has been a raging debate going on with regards to the artistic merit of video games. And with every new Call of Duty title that finds its way into world, video game skeptics raise their voices to challenge the medium again. Even the late great Roger Ebert once proclaimed that €œVideo Games aren€™t and never will be an art form.€ Regardless of Mr. Ebert€™s oft-maligned statements, the debate remains unofficially settled at this point: For better and for worse, video games are art. The fact that well-known film critics like Ebert have made statements on the subject begs the question, though: How do video games stack up against film as an art form? There is surprisingly little crossover between film criticism and video game criticism, despite the inherent similarities between the two mediums. After all, both are tools that can be used for escapism and (most importantly) great storytelling. And despite the decades worth of development in the film industry, there are still some ways in which video games reign supreme. For this list we have compiled the 10 aspects in which video games outshine their cinematic counterparts... A quick note about these entries: for the purposes of discussion, we are comparing video games at their best versus films at their best (artistically speaking, in both cases). We are well aware there are awful entries everywhere. Want to contribute to this discussion or have a point we forgot to mention? Drop your opinion in the comments below, and let the world know...