10 Awesome Video Game Boss Fights You Can Accidentally Skip

Hidden bosses are one thing, but these ones were right in front of your face.

By Marc Smith /

Unless you're an absolute glutton for punishment or a particularly anal completionist, chances are you won't actively seek out every boss fight in a game. Considering that most hidden and optional bosses are capable of feeding the player their own eyeballs in an instant, the majority of us would rather live in ignorant bliss than get turned into mulch.


Sure, it's easy to gloss over optional encounters but what about the ones that you simply skipped by accident?

It's not a particularly common occurrence but it can happen. Be it through the game giving you the impression that you need to flee, not being transparent enough with how to find them or you simply ventured so far off the beaten path that you walked straight past them, there are plenty of incredible encounters out there that many people accidentally skipped.

In some instances these encounters are essential to the game's narrative or lore, meaning that players can miss out on vital information or crucial story points, which can put an overall damper on the experience.

So dust off your favourite games guys because we're diving back in to tell you about all the bosses you may have accidentally skipped.

10. Rodin - Bayonetta Series

The Bayonetta series is home to some of gaming's most ridiculous and challenging boss fights but their most bombastic and downright grueling battles are somewhat hidden in plain sight, meaning it's highly likely that many simply skipped over them by accident. In both games, you have the chance to challenge Bayonetta's badass arms-dealer Rodin to a showdown but only once you shell out enough cash for it.


In the original game, you have to fork over 10,000,000 halos for the privilege of going toe-to-toe with this cool cucumber, whereas in Bayonetta 2 you have to purchase the Golden Ticket, which is locked behind a staggering 9,999,999 halos. A truly ungodly amount of in-game currency that requires an insane amount of grinding to obtain.

It's likey that most players saw the items for sale within Rodin's armory and simply forgot about them, passing it off as not worthy of the sheer amount of effort it would take to amass such a bounty.

In doing so, however, players missed out on what is undoubtedly the most challenging and rewarding battles that the Bayonetta series has to offer.
