10 Best Fan Service DLC Packs In Video Games

Extra Content That Truly Was Worth The Price Tag.

By Jess McDonell /


It’s come to my attention that fan service means something very different in the realm of anime but to put any confusion aside, we’re focusing not on saucy side content, but DLC that feeds fans exactly what they were after from their beloved video games.


The value of DLC has been a hotly debated topic for years, hinging largely on its cost, content, and length. For this list we’re highlighting the games that really hit the nail on the head with that second one and ensured that dedicated fans got what they were after. These are the additional content packs that made it clear the developers of these games not only listen to what fans wanted, they cared enough to make it happen.

Whether these entries sat right in line with the experience so far or wildly left of field, players were stoked.


10. Borderlands 2 - Tiny Tina’s Assault On Dragon Keep

2K Games

Oh yes, if we’re rounding up a list of the most beloved DLC packs that gave gamers exactly what they wanted, there’s no better place to start than with this one.

Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep is the fourth campaign DLC for Borderlands 2 and was such a hit with fans that as of November 2021 it was released as a standalone game. The story centres on fan favourite Tina running a game of Bunkers and Badasses, essentially Dungeons and Dragons, but it has a deeper meaning as Tina gradually comes to terms with Roland’s death throughout the quest. The DLC was an absolute treat for fans who wanted more time in the bombastic game world riddled with laugh-out-loud moments and ripe with things to point a gun at. Not only that but it added a new setting, an engaging twist that kept everything fresh, and managed to tell a heart-touching story.


Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep proved that Gearbox knew exactly what players loved about Borderlands, the characters they wanted to see more of, and on a bit of a sad note, the closure that our favourites and ourselves sorely needed.