10 Biggest Gaming Myths About The Apocalypse

The world went bang, about time you wise up!

By Matthew Highton /

When you€™ve survived a thousand apocalypses, chances are you€™ve seen it all. From the scorched deserts you€™ve wandered, to the lush, the overgrown ruins you€™ve traversed, the crumbling dystopias you've overcome and, of course, all those zombie hordes. Controller in hand, you survived them all, and others can only marvel at your ability to adapt to any given situation, to dig deep inside yourself to survive. Where others would simply give up, you've stood tall and refused to be yet another victim of the end of the world. Thus you know, if it happens in the real world, you can survive. Whilst the others are eaten by cannibals, transformed into the undead or are, for some reason, running a bar that sells toilet water, the games you€™ve masterfully negotiated have given you the skills to outlast everyone else once the world falls. The only problem is, they lied to you. They gave you a chance, taught you skills to see you through, and showed you the equipment you'd need to put down whatever mutants looked at you twice. But that's precisely the sort of behaviour that's going to get you killed. So, to dispel the myths, and to give you a realistic chance come the rapture, here's the golden rules of gaming you should definitely ignore.