10 Cancelled Video Games We Wish We Could Have Played

What does Disney have against Star Wars and Aliens games?!

By Josh Brown /


The thing about cancelled video games (or pretty much any piece of media that never saw the light of day) is that they only really exist in the minds of the players who didn't get a chance to actually try them out, which means virtually nothing can compare to them.


They don't really exist, and as a result they're as good as the people once looking forward to them can picture in their heads, and nothing can ever shatter those preconceptions because the game will never be playable to prove them wrong. It's kind of like Schrodinger's Cat, only with, uh, video games.

With that said, the following examples on this list all at least showed some promise, and whether they would actually have turned out well or not (they were, after all, cancelled for a reason), their premises alone make us wish we could have tried them ourselves. Just to know.
