10 Characters Who KNEW They Were In Video Games

Fourth-wall breaking, references to other franchises, drug episodes and Deadpool.

By Jordan Rylins /

An aware, meta character has always been something quite unique in video games. The most popular example of a fourth wall breaking hero is Deadpool, however, he’s most often found in comic books and films. Luckily, the idea of a meta character who goes around the immersive confines of a game is still quite a new and respected concept.


One topic to ponder when thinking about it as a whole would be, does the fact that video games are the most interactive form of entertainment lend itself for or against the effectiveness of fourth wall breaks? Gamers are sharp, we pick up on a lot of details that have gone on through generations. So when certain self-aware triggers get set off it can be a moment of glee or an eye rolling 'eugh!' moment.

To clarify what counts for this list, cheeky little nods to earlier games in a series or a reference to another franchise on their own don’t count. We also won’t be including games such as Spec Ops: The Line, where Nolan North refers to the fact he’s seen certain sequences before. Beyond that, it's free game from the merc to the mantis.

10. Deadpool - Deadpool

Deadpool is the lowest hanging fruit of any conversation about meta concepts or fourth wall breaking. So low, in fact, he might as well be buried under the tree. That’s not to stop his inclusion, though, as he’s had two very specific showings in video games.


The first of which is obviously his very own release where he constantly references the platform, the player, the enemies, game design, literally everything and anything to do with video games. Even going so far as to have a phone call between Nolan North as Deadpool and Nolan North as himself, discussing the prospect of him voicing the character.

He’ll mock the ease of certain achievements and – basically, he doesn’t shut up. That’s all you need to know about the Deadpool game.

Next to this we have Marvel vs. Capcom. One of his hyper combos include him grabbing his own health bar and beating his opponent over the head with it. His taunt is also just him saying, “This is my taunt, do you get it?”

Sure, the concept of breaking the fourth wall isn’t difficult to understand, especially in regards to Deadpool, sometimes, though, less is more.
