10 Consistently Amazing Video Game Voice Actors

By Robert Kojder /

In this current era of gaming one of the elevating points between a good title and an unforgettable one can often be the quality of whatever story it is telling. Even more crucial to achieving a vision are the voice actors employed to bear the burden. Would you really have gotten invested into a game like Bioshock: Infinite if the actors were sleepwalking their way through the powerful script they were tasked with bringing to life? This list will showcase 10 talented voice actors that you can always count on in bringing their A game to the recording, motion capture, or in some cases both studios. We are going to be discussing the best of the best that consistently get work, so unfortunately if someone is famous for one particular role without much else on their resume I am excluding them. Yes, that means David Hayter is excluded (he just hasn€™t done enough outside of Metal Gear Solid). There will definitely be more articles from me though celebrating voice acting so don€™t get too rustled if someone you are thinking of misses the cut. Without further ado, I present to you 10 prolifically and consistently awesome video game voice actors!