10 Controversial Video Games Your Parents Never Wanted You To Play

From simulating terrorist acts, to witnessing some of the goriest scenes of all time.

By Brandon Jacobs /


Whether for better or worse, parents are always on the look out for what they assume is their children€™s best interests, and this includes protecting them from material they consider to be harmful. As a relatively new art form in the grand scheme of things, video games are deemed especially dangerous by parents who don€™t quite understand them, and that has led to intense scrutiny on their part multiple times over the years.


Some titles are questioned, criticised, and demonised far more than others, especially when they push boundaries and draw controversy. This typically happens when their content is of a particularly violent or sexual nature, though there are some games that inspire the wrath of parents for other, less obvious reasons.

These are the titles that have either been - or currently are - looked upon with suspicion by many parents, and thus often find themselves at the forefront of parental surveillance. The industry certainly has no shortage of these types of games, but only a handful have managed to rouse widespread ire from parents across the globe, due in no small part to their popularity and influence within the industry itself.


10. Conker€™s Bad Fur Day


You have to wonder how many children ended up playing Conker€™s Bad Fur Day just because their parents thought it was an innocent kids game. The cute and cartoonish aesthetic implies a pure wholesome experience that the whole family can enjoy, but don€™t let Conker€™s big adorable eyes fool you; Conker's first outing is filthy in every sense of the word.

Conker himself is the exact opposite of a role model. Despite being relatively good natured and generally kind to everyone, he is a habitual drinker, is greedy, and tends to be thoroughly reckless. The game itself is filled with juvenile and infantile humour, which will no doubt make the kiddies laugh, as well as explicit references to sex, frequent instances of alcohol consumption, and a moderate amount of swearing to boot.


If all this sounds rather innocuous, that€™s because it mostly is. Conker€™s Bad Fur Day is not even close to being the most offensive video game ever made, and when compared to some more modern games it looks downright tame. However, it pushed boundaries in a time when video games were still looked down upon as entertainment for children only, and it did so in a deceptively clever way that helped instil it as a bonafide cult classic.