10 Creepiest Video Game Enemies That Gave Everyone Nightmares

Keep telling yourself it's 'just a game'.

By Josh Brown /

While movies, TV, and even books can all scare us silly, no medium has the ability to be quite as terrifying as video games. Because you're actually playing the game yourself it means you're instantly connected to the action, and if you're being stalked by a grotesque four-legged nightmare it's not just a character being tormented - it's you trying your best to get away. Regardless of graphics, technology or even genre, the creepiest video game characters are eternal, and it doesn't matter whether you first encountered these enemies when you were 15 or when you were 30, each and every one will have seared themselves into your brain whether you wanted them to or not. They weren't only scary because they made a loud noise or hit you with a jump-scare, these were genuinely terrifying enemies that preferred to subtly bide their time, teasing you out to the point where the anticipation was actually much more terrifying than seeing the monstrosities themselves. Ask any gamer and no doubt every single one will have a traumatic experience locked away about each and every monster on this list. Even if they aren't much to look at, these are the creepy enemies that haunted players for weeks even after they hit completion, and are the reason you still get that jolt of spine-tingling terror every time you boot up their respective games.