10 Crucial PS4 Features Sony Must Implement In 2015

Share Play is fantastic, but Sony need to step it up.

By Scott Tailford /

Believe it or not, the PS4 has been out for a over a year now, and in that time Sony haven't really done a huge amount with its potential outside of patching in things the vast majority of people won't bother with anyway - like 3D Blu-Ray support. Sure there's a wealth of missing features that were initially talked about in the lead-up to launch back in 2013 - some of which are covered here - but there's also a load that fans and users have put together over this time that the Japanese giant really needs to implement going forward. There's even quite the assortment of such things that were already available on the PS3 (or Xbox 360) that seem to have been all but removed from both the PS4 and Xbox One. DLNA support and pop-up Trophy/Achievement access worked like a charm on the previous generation of consoles, yet aside from the Xbox One's Snap interface the easiest way to access this on PS4 is to dive out your game and head to a separate app, with a 'Synching' loading bar the only thing waiting on the other end. At this stage in the last generation's lifecycle the 360 had already released a string of updates that helped with core functionality, and although Sony did manage to nail one home run with their newest Share Play functionality, they've still got a very long way to go for the PS4 to live up to its potential.
