10 Most Disastrous Video Game Launches Of All Time

By Sean Curran /

Wii Launch On the eve of a gaming release, the developers and publishers spend a hefty lump of time gnawing their ever declining finger nails until you would believe they were dipped into piranha infested waters. The unnerving thoughts of panic, hoping everything will run smoothly while their stomach's churn in a sickness reminiscent to telling that special someone you have your eye on that you want to stick your tongue in their mouth. Those involved in the project hope the fans will erupt in rapturous approval and is a reoccurring thought always at the forefront of everybody involved in the product. Gaming is a business, and success is constantly sought after and in order to achieve this then gaming companies must have their new IP looking shiny and ready to go once it gets into the controller callused hands of gamers worldwide. With the recent outrageous diabolical GTA Online launch only just having many of the game breaking issues ironed out enough for people to actually play the game, we here at WhatCulture decided to focus our attentions on other disastrous gaming launches in the past. Join me as I laugh my way through terrible gaming launches as I happily admit I wasn't a part of any of these frustrating experiences. GTA Online can kiss my ass though.