10 Fanatical Gamers Who Took Their Obsession Way Too Far

Tragic cases which serve as a caution to the excesses of gaming escapism.

By Andrew Dilks /

Everything in moderation, as the saying goes. We might live in a culture of excess, but all too often too much of a good thing ends up doing us more harm than we realise, whether it's drinking alcohol or sitting down for an evening online playing video games. While there has been ample back and forth discussion in the media over the years both over the addictive nature of video gaming and its role in promoting violent behaviour - hotly disputed and usually peddled by politically conservative and religious groups and a mainstream media eager to find scapegoats for violence in society - there can be little doubt that some gamers out there take their obsession way too far. The following list examines ten such cases where gaming fanaticism has led to a loss of life; tragic cases which serve as a caution to the excesses of gaming escapism.