10 Games That Are Bordering on Physically Addictive

By Callum Wiggins /


Video game addiction is spreading. It exhibits symptoms such as compulsive computer usage, isolation from both friends and family, and a focus on in-game achievements rather than actually doing anything in real life. They exhibit lack of imagination and mood swings, which are characteristics I couldn't possibly comprehend having, which makes me quite angry. If you're reading this article, you're probably a gamer. You obviously aren't an addict, because you're reading this article rather than sitting in your pants with a controller glued to your hands. There have been plenty of calls by parents and other busybodies to fully recognise the condition of video game addiction. While they're at it, they could re-examine the reasons why teenagers act like they do as well, or why the elderly always feel too hot. The fact of the matter is that most video games are designed to be addictive. People rely on the tons of money being spent by these addicted persons on the latest installment of Call of Duty, even though it is virtually the same as the last version. The way companies make money is by exploiting the compulsive section of the human condition; video games, betting sites, prostitution, the list goes on and on. One cannot deny the effect that the addictiveness of certain games have had, as the cases of Daniel Petric, Alexandra Tobias and Kendall Anderson have demonstrated. Video games can have severe problems to those overexposed to their addictive characteristics, but as of yet there is no official diagnosis for those suffering video game addiction. Imagine a video game rehab - they'd have to play Solitaire with actual cards, and attempt Tetris with pieces of LEGO. Video games are great things - when taken in moderation they will excite and delight all ages and genders, like alcohol or cocaine. Below is a list of games that have proven to be the most difficult to escape the grip of, and if the video game opposition had their way, would be top of a list of banned substances. Most of these games are great - they have to be in order to ensure the gamers keep coming back for more. I prescribe that you should only expose yourself to these games twice daily, and avoid spicy food, because you'll be sat in one place for a long time.

10. Final Fantasy


We begin with one of the largest collection of video games in history with the Final Fantasy series. Between 1987 and 2010, the formula of combat orders and well-developed characters has kept many a generation on their consoles for days at a time. What is it that has maintained the popularity of this series for about quarter of a century? While the original three games set the stage for what was to come, Final Fantasy IV introduced the "Active Time Battle" which added greater challenge to players to act before the AI. The level-based experience points would also encourage the players to work harder to unlock the most devastating weapons and magic to defeat their opponents more easily. Furthermore the different character classes extended the game time by promoting the completion of the game with all the different players. The characters were easy to get attached to, with Celes' attempted suicide and Aeris' death often being mentioned as some of the saddest moments in gaming history. This attachment helped progress the story and kept people coming back for more, and more, and more. The series also managed to maintain a great level of consistency (besides the turkey that was Final Fantasy XIV) and as the series progressed, the graphics and gameplay made it a much more compelling experience for the gamer, but still keeping the quirkiness and strong gameplay that made the earlier versions as successful as they were and continue to be. In April 2000, 16-year-old Spanish teenager José Rabadán Pardo murdered his father, mother and his sister with a katana, proclaiming that he was on an "avenging mission" by Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII.