10 Gaming Commandments All Modern Games Seem To Ignore

By Shaun Munro /

As much as games have seen tremendous technological advancement in the last 15 years or so especially, each new innovation brings with it its own share of issues and complications, particularly as video game publishers conceive of new ways to monetise their product. As this generation has proven, as game developers attempt to evolve the medium, the result can often mean crass new gimmicks to manipulate gamers into parting with their cash rather than anything that is truly revolutionary. Every generation of gaming has its problems, though this most recent one seems to have lost touch with a lot of the core facets of gaming, as we will detail below. Here are 10 gaming commandments that all modern games seem to ignore.

10. Multiplayer Isn't A Necessity

Back in the day, very few games outside of the shooter and racer genres had any multiplayer whatsoever to play through, but that all changed with three words: Call of Duty. The multiplayer component of the original Modern Warfare, with its levelling system and incentivised play, was so addictive - and therefore, ludicrously successful, breaking sales records year after year - that many developers now insist upon shoehorning it into their games. Perhaps one of the most infamous titles was Mass Effect 3, a shooter that is all about the engrossing narrative of the single-player campaign, such that the multiplayer offering, which simply sees you shooting down hordes of enemies, is boring and really not fun at all. Similarly, the recent Far Cry 3, even as an FPS game, had a malnourished and awkward multiplayer offering, clearly assembled bare bones just to please developers who want to try and "addict" players with online features, even if most of the time they fall flat because there's nothing interesting there. Call of Duty might be criticised for being repetitive each year, but at least they do innovate on occasion (see: Black Ops 2), and have a firm base on which to produce each title. It might feel samey some years, but it's always got a robust foundation, and that cannot be faulted. However, developers should take note that we really don't care if 30-hour single-player games have online or not.