10 GENIUS Ways Video Games Hide Load Times

Ever wonder why Marcus had to walk so slow?

By Lee Clarke /



Is there anything that ruins the pace of a video game more than having to stare at a screen like this for god knows how long?

Modern games are getting bigger all the time, so it's no wonder that their stunning environments and cutscenes can't just load at the drop of a hat. Naturally, then, you can forgive developers for needing to include many loading screens in their games - but do they have to be so drab and boring?

Look, hints and lore fragments are cool and all, but they still don't solve the problem of us just sitting there, our eyes glazing over and our immersion fading by the second. Games are meant to played, and thankfully, some developers seem to actually appreciate that fact.

From a simple selection of minigames to a built-in mechanic that circumvents the loading screen altogether, certain games are dedicated to keeping their audience's attention, and do everything they can to make sure you're both immersed and entertained at all times.

Give those developers a pat on the back.

10. Squid Games - Splatoon (2015)

Nintendo are a company that always seem to be on top of things when it comes to fan-service. The colourful multiplayer shooter, Splatoon, is best experienced online - and we all know how unforgiving the time waiting around in those player lobbies can be.


This is where one of the Wii U's few selling points, the dual screen, comes into play. While you wait on the main TV screen to be matched with teammates and opponents, there are a number of cute little minigames available for you to play on the GamePad, each involving a small and agile squid.

The default minigame is Squid Jump, which involves jumping up to increasingly precarious platforms before the rising water can get you. But if you introduce your collection of amiibos into the mix, you're able to unlock three additional games: Squidball, Squid Racer, and Squid Beatz.

Often, you can get so engrossed in these games that you'll even end up missing the start of your online match!

It's a rare thing for developers to acknowledge just how tedious loading times can be. And what makes this entry even rarer is that, due to the lack of a dual screen on the Nintendo Switch, Splatoon 2 no longer has this option. Shame.
