10 Genuine WTF Moments in Video Games

The moments that left your jaws hanging or your fists clenched with rage.

By Radu Alexander /

There are certain moments we encounter in video games that illicit a very emotional reaction from us, and it tends to be those hot button moments that boast the best staying power and which tend to stick with us forever. Maybe one day you€™ll be telling your grandchildren about that time you were playing that game and a moment side-swiped you unexpectedly and pulled an audible WTF through your lips. These moments are rare in games, which is precisely why they become so memorable. They are the ones that you are left talking about with your mates after the game is finished and that drag you irresistibly back to replaying your favourite games over and over. You can never truly predict what will turn into one of these moments, but then that unpredictability is part of their charm. Great WTF moments can occur in great games just as they can in poor ones and the qualifying characteristics and causes can be just as different as the context. Some gamers exclaim €œWTF!€ out of shock, while others shout it out of confusion or even anger, but the important thing in every case is that the game makes you feel invested so much that it elicits a genuine emotional response in even the most experienced and cynical of gamers. To celebrate those moments we're looking back at the best WTF moments in gaming history.