10 Hilarious Video Game Glitches That Will Make Your Day

Start your day with a laugh or three.

By Stefan /

For the past 10 years especially, it seems that every time a new game is released you can be sure of one thing: glitches.


While this has been the cause for many an uproar in the gaming community for the release of untested products and bad ports getting rushed out the door, it's very rare that the resulting bugs are totally game-breaking. 

In fact, oftentimes they can be quite enjoyable, if you don't mind the sudden rotating head in the middle of a crucial plot revealing conversation of course. It even gives you some room for improvised role playing. For example, this scene might turn into a fight for survival as you run away from the turbine-head man! No matter how far you go, he'll always show up to explain some plot points to you in his signature, profoundly unsettling manner.

Having said that, like every other gamer that's known the joy of the breakthrough games from the 90's, I do miss the times when companies didn't have the luxury of releasing day one patches, but instead had to make sure their products were complete and working properly. Unfortunately, today you have to make due with what you get. And while you're at it, be sure to squeeze out a laugh wherever you can.

Note: Some entries in the list will feature spoilers.

10. "Don't Let Your Dreams, Be Dreams"

So you're running through the Hemwick Charnel Lane for the 57th time, killing some witches, but wait! Something is different.


As you approach a corner you can hear something. Something that sounds like a weird massacre around the corner. You round the bend and behold! One of the witches has decided to take it upon herself to become the greatest dancer the world of Bloodborne has ever known! 

Granted she might be the only one, but who cares!
