10 ‘Happy’ Video Games With Dark Secrets

What's Slender Man doing hiding in a platformer?

By Sam Heard /

As long as we€™ve been looking at things through a screen the various pieces of media we watch contain deceptively dark or adult secrets which we weren€™t expecting. We€™ve been shocked by surprising sexual references in The Simpsons and by some of the oddly crude jokes in Pixar movies for years. Video gaming is no different from film and television with seemingly upbeat games including these dark secrets hidden just beneath the surface. Encountering these secrets is made all the more shocking as you didn€™t see it coming from an otherwise inoffensive video game. At times these creepy hidden references can be hard to find while on other occasions they€™re barely hidden €“ we imagine game developers getting a kick out of hiding them in the game€™s code. One of the worrying things is that many of the games featured on this list are likely to be played by children. The recommended playing age certainly doesn€™t take account of any dark secrets or Easter Eggs. We just hope that these creepy secrets go straight over the heads of any non-teenagers playing these secretly dark video games. Here are the 10 seemingly €˜happy€™ games which contain dark secrets which could shock you to the core: