10 PS4 Hidden Gems You Must Play

Sony's console has some big hitters, but what about these underrated slices of greatness?

By Jamie Kennedy /

Sony's Playstation 4 console has thus far been an unbridled success, selling like hotcakes and generally receiving more favourable reviews than both the Xbox One and Nintendo Wii U systems. There seems to be something about the console which draws gamers in, making the PS4 the most popular choice for those looking to upgrade to the next-generation of video game machines. Truthfully, Microsoft shot themselves in the foot with a wildly arrogant unveiling for the Xbox One, something which clearly gave Sony the upper hand, and made it easy for them to choose the direction the PS4 would go in. Whilst Bill Gates and company repeatedly undermined the importance of the single-player experience, Sony ensured that the PS4 would be rich with story driven titles. When Microsoft put all their chips on the Xbox One as a media hub, Sony played big on the fact they were proud to be releasing a gaming console, one which just happened to also have some media support. Of course, the release of the PS4 hasn't been without hiccups - most people can't understand why this brand-spanking new system doesn't support all types of media on USB, for example, but things are - on the whole - going well for Sony. Games are the most important element to any consoles success, and there have been many big ones on PS4 in the first year. If you're new to the machine, or just looking for something to tide you over till that next big release, here are some PS4 hidden gems for you to check out. Whether they just didn't sell well, or gamers just didn't give them much attention, here are those that deserve a second chance.
