10 Horror Video Games Where YOU Were The True Evil

Take a look in the mirror. You won't like what you see...

By Jules Gill /

When it comes to video games, there's nothing half as good as being totally evil. A countless swathe of digital titles offer the player the chance to phone it in for the forces of good and dial up the devil inside and to be honest, it's the perfect medium in which to excorcise these demons.


Nobody gets hurt, they're often hilarious moments and of course it's just that little bit cooler to do so. However, there are some titles that push the boat out waaaay further than just letting you rob and roughhouse people because the ten entries on this list actually posit YOU as the all-powerful evil of their respective narratives.

Whether you're playing as a demonically infused infant, a rampaging murderer or just a genuine set of horrible people, these video games took the ball and ran with it when it came to being bad. You might even look at a few of these games and think that they went too far and to be honest, I can't blame you as a few don't just hit close to the bone, but look to bloody break it as well.

10. The Suffering

The Suffering franchise was a short-lived but genuinely quite brilliant horror experience. Focusing on a man called Torque who has been imprisoned for the death of his ex-wife and children, after an earthquake hits the facility all hell literally breaks loose as horrific creatures burst forth to kill everything in their sight.


However, there's something about these monstrosities that resonates with Torque, for they seem to not only be reflections of the atrocities that took place in the prison, but also of the man's inner demons. Throughout the experience the player is asked to make several choices each of which affects the games ending, they can either find out that Torque didn't kill his family, or find out that he most definitely did.

Yet this is just the beginning, as come the sequel it turns out that the game reads your save file and rewrites the entire game based on the ending you received. Therefore if you went rogue in the first game, you'll begin the second as a hated and vilified individual. This even shapes the bosses and experiences you receive further pushing Torque down into the depths of depravity.

It's pretty bleak!
