10 Jaw-Dropping Video Game Success Stories You Need To Hear

Want to make 100 thousand dollars in a month?

By Scott Tailford /

As the saying goes, all you need is one good idea - and nowhere is that more easily tested that in the field of video games.


Got a game where you play as an off-balance bird, trying to navigate in between objects? How about one where the graphics are downright atrocious, but you can use the building blocks within to make an amazingly intricate near photo-real Millennium Falcon?

Whatever it is, gamers - and to an extension the general public - will give anything a shot once, and providing it has the right amount of charm, tactile feedback or 'look' of something worth spending time in, chances are all those little 99 pence purchases will skyrocket past the tens, leapfrog the hundreds and blast straight into the millions.


All of the following came from extremely small teams, some just one or two people, but they just happened to have a suitably delicious serving of the secret sauce, something that following the launch of their titles has helped them become extremely successful - a few becoming multi-millionaires.

You might have heard of a particular character who helped spawn Minecraft out of the ether (more on him later), but it's incredibly life-assuring to read about unassuming code monkeys who suddenly found success in the most unlikely of places.
