10 Landmark PlayStation Games That Changed Your Life

Thou shalt not underestimate the power of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater.

By Mark Langshaw /


Before the days of online gaming, virtual reality and 4K visuals, there was the original Sony PlayStation; a grey box that single-handedly changed the gaming landscape.


Through pioneering use of CD-ROM tech, the PS1 made gaming fashionable, convincing the world that it wasn’t just for kids and basement-dwelling geeks.

Few consoles boast a software library with such a winning killer-to-filler ratio, and many of its games reshaped their genre, had Nintendo 64 owners cursing their parents and blew our minds.


Sony may be looking to a virtual reality-enhanced future with the release of PlayStation VR, but here, we’re celebrating its past with a look at 10 landmark PS1 games that changed our lives.



10. Tomb Raider

CORE Design

Look no further than the jarring polygons and tank-like controls if you want to see how far Lara Croft has come since 1996, the year developer Core Design decided the world had waited long enough for a female Indiana Jones.

To call the original Tomb Raider one of the best games on PS1 is a stretch, given that both it and its sequels were outshone by other titles in the console’s jewel-encrusted software library, but it was revolutionary in its own right.


Tomb Raider convinced an entire generation of boys that female protagonists were something to be celebrated, and despite everything, this more came down to Lara’s T-Rex slaying skills than overblown sex appeal.