10 Last-Gen Video Games That Need To Be Remastered

What's old can be new again.

By Tanner Fox /

As the relevancy of eighth-generation consoles slowly begins to wane, rumors are circling as to what might be in store for everyone going into a new decade. The devious pre-owned game restrictions and always online DRM justifications that marked the early days of this console generation have long been consigned to the pages of gaming history, and it's time to start gearing up for whatever the future may bring.


However, if the PS4 and Xbox One have proven anything, it would be that segmenting games via generational gaps is sort of an outdated concept. More previous-generation titles have been re-released or remastered in the last few years than ever before, and many seventh-gen titles are still totally playable on modern consoles.

Not all last-gen gems, however, have made the leap over to newer hardware, and there are still a few beloved PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 titles in dire need of remastering.

It may not be conceivable for each and every older game to be brought up to date, but the industry is doing itself a major disservice by ignoring some of the well-loved games of yesteryear.

10. Fallout: New Vegas (2011)

While Fallout 3 was a landmark title in the series and a major hit for Bethesda, Obsidian's Fallout: New Vegas is popularly considered to be the best 3D fallout title. In an era in which open world games with RPG elements seem to be taking over, it really is strange to think that the arguable top-dog of the genre hasn't seen a proper remaster.


Dedicated fans have long been toiling with a mod dedicated to bringing the New Vegas experience over to Fallout 4's engine, but it would be nice to see Bethesda step up and provide Fallout fans with a proper re-release. In reality, they are most likely searching for methods through which to monetize the modders' efforts.

Though still a fantastic experience, Fallout: New Vegas is flat out ugly, and it could really do with a fresh coat of paint. Unfortunately, southern Maryland's favorite development team seems obsessed with stuffing their flagship series full of features that nobody wants.

Fallout 76 may indeed turn out to be a great game, but it isn't likely to top a trek back into New California Republic territory.
