10 More Fortnite Crossovers We'd Love To Play

Thanos has done more than his fair share of damage in Fortnite, but what could come next?

By Gareth Cartwright /


You'd have to have been living under one heck of a rock for the last year to be unaware of the phenomenal popularity of Fortnite. Signifiers from the game are virtually everywhere; just walk into any club in the country and check out how many drunk guys are trying to floss because they first saw it in the game...


Perhaps more impressive than this cultural dance plague, however, is the associations that Fortnite has managed to secure thus far. The introduction of the John Wick outfit was a nice aesthetic touch, but the biggest coup has been the Avengers: Infinity War crossover. Recently players have fought tooth, nail and pickaxe to get hold of the famous gauntlet and see their random avatar become the Mad Titan.

Roaming around the now-familiar map as Thanos is a genuine thrill, as is trying to evade his wrath. One of Fortnite's unsung strengths is the way it makes you feel constantly ill-at-ease, and the introduction of a veritable beast only heightens this.


So, that got us thinking: what other crossover potential is there? Taking an "ideal world" approach, what movies, games or TV shows could make for another exciting mash-up? Time to let our imaginations run wild...