10 Most Iconic Weapons in Video Game History

Chicka-chick... Pow!

By Stuart W. Bedford /

Weapons. The single most important aspect of around 95% of all games. Without them, how would we slay our foes? How would we escape our captors, or rescue our princesses? We couldn€™t is the answer. I shudder to think how many virtual weapons have been fabricated by poor designers, how many have been breathed into existence by long-suffering animators. It has to be in the high millions by now surely. I€™m not even going to begin to count. Let€™s just leave it at lots. Most often, these weapons are simply that; they€™re guns, or swords or staffs or even bare hands. Most often, they€™re pretty forgettable, or at least there€™s nothing so special about them that would classify them as memorable. That€™s fine though, as most often we€™re not really bothered €“ as long as what we point it at dies horribly or otherwise goes the f*ck down, then it€™s done its job. Every so often though, a game will come along that presents us with a truly iconic weapon. We enthuse about these weapons with each other at the water cooler or online. We make videos of ourselves using them for YouTube. They€™re just so god damn badass that we just have to share our experiences. And that, my friend, is when a weapon becomes iconic. Of course, €˜weapon€™ doesn€™t immediately translate to €˜gun€™. There are plenty of different weapons, from all gaming genres, that can each be considered iconic in their own way, for their own reasons. So let€™s lock, load and armour up; it€™s time to find out what we consider to be the 10 most iconic weapons in gaming history. Chicka-chick. Boom€.