10 Most Modded Video Games Of All Time

Fully modded Skyrim looks insane.

By John Tibbetts /

Is that level getting you down? Is a gameplay feature just not clicking with you? Do you just REALLY like Thomas The Tank Engine?


If any of that sounds like you, then might I recommend the wide wide world of modding!

Mods have been around almost as long as computer gaming has. In broad strokes, modding is the act of altering or adding onto an already existing game using third-party software. What results from that dry-ass description is some of the goofiest sh*t you will ever see in your entire life.

From adding on entirely new levels, to severely altering existing ones, to even adding in entirely new NPCs, and that's just the normal ones. Of course, not every game can be modded, and not every game can be modded to the extent a modder may want.

In the halls of game mods, these titles reign supreme as the most fun sandboxes to bring your own weird, complicated, super-specific toys into.

10. Cyberpunk 2077

While there are a talented few who can mod a game with nothing but the proverbial clothes on their equally proverbial backs, many rely on the devs playing ball and providing them with modding tools. The most famous of these is Bethesda's toolkits like G.E.C.K, but CDPR's fanbase has made excellent use of their REDMod tools. Particularly with the divisive Cyberpunk 2077.


For a game that was so infamous when it came out, the fans it did attract have been right on top of things when it comes to modding. While it has slowed down a tad in the years following release, the modding for Cyberpunk has never really stopped.

This is likely because its cyberpunk setting gives modders a canvas to play with they haven't gotten from a Bethesda game yet. So you have things like new cybernetics, enhanced character interactions, and FLYING GOD DAMN CARS! That's what I'm talking about!

While it's unlikely to ever rival the monstrous number of mods for the Bethesda library, Cyberpunk 2077 proves that CDPR are here to stay in the modding community.
